Friday, March 8, 2013


It's been a B.U.S.Y week.  School for four kiddos takes up most all of our days and endless amounts of my brain power.  One of our brood is practicing for two different football teams, which entails quite a bit of running him around.  The workouts and practices are just what he needed to help him transition during the recent move, so it's a sacrifice I am happy to make.

I will say however that I am tempted to cancel school today.  I'm tempted to want to sit, drinking coffee and browsing through my Southern Living.  I'm tempted to spend the day piddling around and doing what I want to do.  Oh am I tempted!

But the word PERSEVERANCE keeps popping into my head.  Pushing through. Continuing with diligence. Doing what NEEDS to be done rather than what I WANT to do.  "So let's not get tired of doing what is good.  At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up."  Galatians 6:9  

The harvest of blessing...oh I love the sound of that!  It keeps us going, keeps us teaching our kids, keeps us stayed on His plan for our days.  I surrender my desire to follow what I want and instead push ahead in what I know He's called me to today.  And so we soldier on.  We'll hit the books, work on projects together, study for that Biology test and when all is said and done I'll be glad we did. Sort of like the exercise.  I may not want to get started, but when it's all done I'll be glad we did.

And just maybe I'll still have time for a second cup of coffee and that new Southern Living that I've been dying to read.  Maybe.

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