Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

January 1st is one of my favorite days of the year. I think it's because I'm a sucker for happy endings and new beginnings. 2010 was challenging in some respects (four and a half months of unemployment and a adjustment to a new job), but an incredibly blessed one as well (God's amazing provision through those lean months). I would certainly say it ended well and I can't wait to see what God has in store for the next 365 days.

Recently I was reading back over the last few years worth of journal entries and realized I tend to make the same resolutions year after year. At first this discouraged me, but then I realized that's the journey of life. We continue to move forward along the path, each day faced with choices that affect our route. It's the choices I have to work to change if I hope to impact the outcome of the journey. The end goal or progress I'm working toward will not be attained this side of heaven. My heart desires to be a better helpmate to my sweetie, a better mom to my kids and a better friend to those the LORD has blessed me to know. I will continue this year to work toward those goals, hopefully allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide each step. I pray that when 2011 comes to an end, I'm a little further along that path than I am now.

Wishing you and your family a blessed, GOD filled 2011!


  1. Excellent goals! Have a blessed New Year!

  2. Happy New Year to you! You are so right....those are good goals to make year after year. You can always improve! Lisa~


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