Monday, March 14, 2011

Courage through cancer

From 2,000 miles away I'm watching my dear friend battle cancer. How thankful I am for e-mail, the internet and daily texting to keep us connected. She is brave...braver than I would be...I wonder.

To see her amazing smile just after she shaves her beautiful head moves me to tears, but not tears of sorrow; tears of hope and courage. Tears because she inspires me to grab hold of today; to be thankful for the small things. She inspires and motivates me to live in the moment. No one is guaranteed another handful of moments and yet how many do we waste on a sour attitude or an "urgent" to-do list? How would we live differently if we knew our moments were almost gone?

Today we had a tea party...yes, even the boys. We talked, we laughed and we made an attempt at teaching tea manners. That brought more laughter. Despite the chill, the front door is wide open. The birds are chatting with one another, the spring bulbs are enjoying their 15 minutes of fame and the sun is cleansing the world of it's winter blues. The freshness reminds me I'm alive and I thank God for a few more moments to live life with people I adore.

1 comment:

  1. It just makes me want to breathe a little deeper and shake off the silliness of the world. I am praying for your friend. I love the idea of you and your kids having tea. They are so sweet. Lisa~


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