Monday, November 15, 2010

Random Christmas thoughts

Thanksgiving is still a week and a half away, but for some reason the Christmas spirit has hit our home full force. We've already got the Christmas music playing for pity's sake! I've even bought a few gifts. Gasp! This is very unlike me. Most years it hits me around December 15th and I frantically start shopping, wrapping and pulling my hair out, but not necessarily in that order. Here's hoping this year will be different.

Since the Christmas CDs are still packed away in the attic, we found a channel on our Verizon Fios that's playing holiday tunes 24/7. My kids are having a hard time concentrating on their school work while singing along with Bing Crosby and Alvin. They've spent the morning reminiscing about their favorite memories and traditions. They love the magic, the feeling and the traditions of Christmas more than the gifts...their words, not mine. Contented mommy sigh...

I'm trying to hold off on the decorations. They'll have to wait until the day after Thanksgiving. It's our tradition. We use to traipse up to the Christmas tree farm the weekend after and cut our own tree. Oh, I LOVE the smell of fresh pine. Now we just traipse up to the attic and pull down the giant box that holds our fake tree already covered in lights. I wondered if there was a way to leave all the ornaments on and just put it in the attic, but Mike frowned on that idea. I'll just buy some pine scented candles to compensate for the "fresh tree" smell. It works. Last year I bought our annual fresh wreath from least it was fresh when it left Washington two months before. Let's just say it had lost most of its "fresh tree" smell. Guess there's something to be said for living closer to the source.

OK, enough random Christmas thoughts. I think I need a peppermint mocha...but that has to wait until December's tradition you know.


  1. I am already listening to Christmas music too! I find that the Holidays get so busy that I actually enjoy these few weeks before all the parties start to do some of the fun things that I enjoy.

  2. We go to the Christmas tree farm every year. Mike has even taken the kids by himself when I was too pregnant to make the drive with them. We're already talking about our trip this year. Fun memories!


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