Today we got every.single.thing done on our assignment sheets...all four of them.
If you're a homeschool mom, you understand the significance of that statement. If you're not, just imagine having four people's page long "to-do" lists all rolled into one giant list and then imagine you were able to cross everything off. Yeah, it's that good. We even got the science experiment done! Can I get an "Amen!"? I'm gonna revel in it a bit because I'm pretty sure it will not repeat itself tomorrow. They never do...but that's life and I'm OK with it.
If you're a homeschool mom, you understand the significance of that statement. If you're not, just imagine having four people's page long "to-do" lists all rolled into one giant list and then imagine you were able to cross everything off. Yeah, it's that good. We even got the science experiment done! Can I get an "Amen!"? I'm gonna revel in it a bit because I'm pretty sure it will not repeat itself tomorrow. They never do...but that's life and I'm OK with it.
It's not just four people's list, it also involves children which means you never can be completely sure what will happen. :) Congratulations. I hope you marked it on the calendar. Lisa~