Saturday, August 22, 2009

Swiffer WetJet makes me happy

It's the little things that make me happy...dark chocolate, iced coffee, hugs and kisses from my kiddos, dates with my sweetie and my new Swiffer Wetjet. Strange I know. I don't normally get excited over cleaning products. I could easily get excited over hiring a house keeper, but cleaning products I have to use myself? Not so much.

I picked up one of these beauties on sale at Wally World this week for around $15 bucks. Not bad considering it was normally $22. After bringing it home and mopping my floor the first time, I was hooked. Before you tell me to get a life, hear me out on this. I could not believe the stuff that showed up on that little white pad! Eewww! Seriously? That's what we've been walking around on? I can easily see how one might become a bit OCD with this thing...not me of course...I'm just sayin'.


  1. That's funny Ang! :) Happy mopping.

  2. OK, I get so tired of getting wet paper towels and wiping up sections of my floor. And getting out the mop and bucket? Ugh!!!
    I'm going to see if I can find one of these things on sale. Thanks for the tip.
    And, uh, if I can't find one, wanna bring your Swiffer and come do my floors? I'll buy you coffee! *grin*


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