Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jesus bring the rain!

Life can be tough. Sometimes for no apparent reason we struggle through a seemingly endless array of difficulties. Is there a reason? Is there a purpose in our pain? With all life has dealt me over the past few months, I can answer a resounding YES!

There is a two-fold reason we face trials - that we will grow to spiritual maturity and that God will be glorified above all else. If that is the case, I would not trade a moment of what I've been through...not even the darkest. For it was in the very lowest moments He carried me closest to His heart. Am I growing? I believe so. Is He being glorified? That is my fervent prayer.

So if my pain brings Him even a fraction of the glory He deserves, then I say, "Jesus bring the rain!"

1 comment:

  1. Yes, if it brings Him glory, bring the rain!
    Sometimes seeing the glory when the rain is really heavy is a major task. That's when trust comes in and we let go of what "makes sense."
    Love you, friend.


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