Thursday, June 9, 2011

Stylish storage bins and a stress free life

This morning's inbox included a deal for 50% of "stylish storage bins".  Their ad promised  to take you "one step closer to an organized, stress-free life". you mean to tell me that's the secret to a stress-free life?  Stylish storage bins gracing my closet shelves will finally end my stress?  Wow...if only I'd known.

Of course there is no magic formula for living stress free in a fallen world.  We can do things to limit our stress level, but simply living this side of heaven brings with it a fair amount of stress.  Just watching the news can make your blood pressure rise considerably and you might find yourself yelling at the TV...not that I've ever done that...just sayin'.

Jesus admonishes us to "take heart" in a stress filled world - "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Peace is found in Christ alone.  Not in self-help books, yoga classes, vacations on the beach or even stylish storage bins.  Knowing our Savior has overcome the world in order to bring us to eternity with Him gives us the eternal perspective necessary to reduce our stress and live at peace.

But the storage bins are awfully cute.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sista! I love organizing too, but I have to always remind myslef that it is a temporary satisfaction. The real peace comes from Christ, and He allows me the gift of being so happy when I get things in their place. (Does this comment even make sense? I'm confusing myself. LOL!) Lisa~


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