Monday, January 24, 2011

Blogging in sound bites

The busyness of life seems to leave little time for blogging lately. By the time the kids are in bed my creative juices have done been used up for the day. Blogging requires thought. It requires me to put more than two sentences together...dare I say even multiple paragraphs of cohesive contemplation. Facebook on the other hand requires minimal words and even less thought. Most of it seems to be whatever randomness happens to be rolling around in one's head at any given moment.

Having said that, here is a recap of the last month of my random life as seen through my Facebook status updates.

1/1/11 - Black eyed pea gumbo with chorizo sausage and a side of college football...a great way to kick off the new year.

1/2/11 - lesson planning for four kiddos...I don't think there's enough coffee in the house to cover that one.

1/3/11 - During break the kids are up at dawn eager to play Wii and relish no school assignments. First day back to school and there's still no sign of them. Should I enjoy the quiet, or make them get up and be responsible? Hmmm...

1/5/11 - Chex mix roasting in the smells so yummy. Granola is next on the list so Connor will stop bugging me about it!

1/7/11 - Just informed the kids that since the dishwasher is broken they will have to wash dishes BY HAND. Oh my goodness....they don't think they're going to survive. Of course mom pulls out her best "well when I was a kid" story.

1/8/11 - Getting ready for Greyson's first Upward basketball game of the year. He's sooo excited! GO GRIZZLIES!

1/11/11 - In times like the present, men should utter nothing for which they would not willingly be responsible through time and in eternity. - Abraham Lincoln

1/12/11 - One of my kids sounds a lot like a seal...poor thing.

1/14/11 - Reason #2,374 why we love homeschooling - scones, hot cocoa and good books on a cold morning.

1/16/11 - I love my church!

1/18/11 - Mom to C & G - "Why do you think we bought you dressers for your clothes?". C & G in all seriousness - "I don't know Mom. It's so much easier to just throw them on the floor.". Sigh...looks like we've got some work to do.

1/20/11 - The LORD directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way? Proverbs 20:24

1/22/11 - Needed - recommendations for good beach reading. Ideas?

So there you have it. That's what you call blogging in sound bites. Maybe next time I'll find time to put some real thoughts together. In the meantime, you're all caught up on our lives! Aren't you glad?

1 comment:

  1. This post makes me want to do something very similar... my poor blog has been shelved. I've got nothin'! Actually I have LOTS spinning through this head and heart of mine, but nothin to help me get it out. Hopefully a magical day will happen :)


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