Thursday, February 4, 2010

Unemployment perks

Unemployment is unfortunately something many people are dealing with right now. Though we've been through several job changes over our 18 years of marriage, we always had something waiting in the wings. This is the first time we've found ourselves officially "unemployed". Not where I would have chosen to be, but we continue trusting in God's perfect plan for our family.

Mike's full-time job right now is looking for a job. Some people warned that having Daddy home would be a huge adjustment to our homeschool schedule. Not so much. The biggest adjustment is sharing the computer. Six people and one computer is proving to be a challenge. The kids use the computer daily for school, but obviously Dad finding a job takes we adjust. For me it just means less time to check e-mail, blog and Facebook...probably a good thing anyway.

We are enjoying having him home during the day. In between applications, he takes time to join us for history or help the kids with math. Thank goodness for that. Hearing Austin say, "Mom, I need some help with Algebra." makes me break into a cold sweat! Glad my hubby is a math wiz. So having Mike home sort of feels like a nice, long vacation...except for the whole "paycheck" thing, but I'm trying not to dampen my little party.

We're watching and waiting to see how the Lord will provide and thanking Him in the midst of it all.


  1. What a beautiful example you are of giving thanks IN all things!! Unemployment isn't something to thank God for, but the special family time certainly is. I pray Mike is able to find a job soon and that God would show Himself to be a faithful provider until then. Love you, friend!

  2. I am praying for you. When David was in between churches 1997-1998 we kept praying for God's next assignment. One day we realized we were in God's next assignment - His waiting room and He had so much to teach us during that challenging time. Amid the challenges were a myriad of blessings. He tells us in His Word to give thanks for ALL things and I saw a book with that title at Barnes and Noble last night - the Lord immediately brought you to mind and I stopped and prayed for you sweet friend.
    Julie D.

  3. Good luck to your husband on his job hunt. Sounds like you've got a determined hard working man. Keep the faith, God will provide. :) Our masonry business is doing about 1/3 what it was so we've had to buckle down...still we need to do better. We are super vulnerable in this economy.


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