Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Finding JOY in the midst of sickness

I mentioned awhile back that I am leading a ladies Bible study on Philippians. One of the overriding themes of our study on Philippians is JOY.

JOY is a choice.

JOY is not the same as happiness.

JOY is an inner peace in the midst of your storm.

JOY is keeping your focus on God's priorities rather than allowing our circumstances to overwhelm us.

This week I can honestly say it would be easy to focus on what's going on around me. Our whole family is sick...coughs, aches and pains, stomach bugs, fever. It would be easy, given the way I'm feeling, to just sit down and cry. OK, I did that this morning already. It only served to make my head hurt worse. Then the Lord so gently reminded me that my strength comes from the JOY I find in Him. Instead of focusing on what's not right, I am attempting to focus on what I have to be thankful for. What a list it is! It is amazing how that simple exercise can change your entire perspective. I still don't feel well, but I don't feel overwhelmed anymore either.

Earlier this week, I had been memorizing Psalm 91:1-2. God's timing just makes me smile. "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare of the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God and I am trusting him."

Lord, allow your JOY to spill over onto my family. Give me the strength to minister to them. Thank you for reminding me where my focus needs to be, even in the midst of the yuckies.


  1. I remember singing a song when I was younger called The Joy of the Lord is My Strength! That is so true, but so hard to remember it seems like.

    I am praying extra for you and your family today to be well, but I am also going to copy your prayer for my family as well. No matter what we are faced with, our focus should always be on what God has done for us. Thanks for the reminder!!!


  2. Oh no...I'm sorry yall are all sick! Hang in takes forever to get over this stuff! But boy do you realize when you are finally feeling better just how bad that you CAN feel!

  3. Perspective is a powerful thing, isn't it? So glad you are focusing yours on GOD!
    It seems nothing kills JOY faster than focusing on our circumstance...
    Hang in there, Angela. HE's holding you!

  4. Hi there. I heard you have a nasty cough. Have you tried rubbing Vic's vaporub on the bottom of your feet? Works wonders.

    Heimy Schlevitz
    Snottenlotsin, TX


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