Friday, August 1, 2014

Middle elementary writing prompts

My goal when my kids are in elementary school is simply to instill in them a love for writing. We don't do a formal curriculum until jr. high/high school, but instead I offer them loads of opportunities to write each week. Journals, writing prompts, lists, letters, song lyrics...the possibilities are only limited by their imagination.

This year my youngest will be in fourth grade (insert sad mommy heart sigh). I'll encourage her to journal daily, as well as using writing prompt cards a couple of times a week. These include anything from "Would you rather give up reading or electronics for a year? Why?" to "Pretend you were there at Creation. What was it like?" I'm printing them on cardstock to laminate and will keep them in a jar for her to choose from each week. 

Sometimes we will go back and edit some of her writing, using the opportunity to practice grammar, punctuation, etc., but oftentimes I will just let her share it with me, pointing out the good qualities and letting it stimulate further conversation. In doing so, writing will not be something to be feared or dreaded, but become an enjoyable part of everyday life.

Looking for some ideas for getting your kids writing? Check out this free writing prompt printable, complete with instructions and 78 writing prompts to use with your middle elementary kiddos...consider it my "back to school" gift to you! You're welcome!

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