Normally this time of year we're already back in school mode. Seeing all the back to school supplies in the stores usually makes me giddy. Getting boxes of curriculum in the mail...oh man, that's like Christmas! I put the date on the calendar and go into full on planning and organizing mode.
But not this year. OK, I did buy some new pencils and composition books, but even that lacked the usual excitement. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that summer is already over. I've put off the start date until after Labor Day, hoping my feelings will catch up soon. I'll let you know on Tuesday how that works out.
Here's the thing - if I waited to start school this year until I felt like it, I'm pretty sure not much would get done. Feelings can't be trusted. How thankful I am that my God isn't like that! I don't have to doubt his promises or that he'll do what he says he will do. His Word is not dependent on whether or not he FEELS like doing something. Can you imagine if he were like us humans? Fickle and changing depending on the temperature outside, the time of the month or how much coffee he's had?
Nope. His faithfulness and mercies are new every single morning.
Times when parenting gets hard and we're feeling worn out.
Times when we lack the joy or excitement we expected.
Times when life seems overwhelming.
It's times like this we learn the meaning of perseverance, of doing what we need to do despite how we feel. The Lord honors our obedience when we do what he's called us to do. Obedience has nothing to do with feelings, but calls us to a new level of sacrifice.
That means getting my act together and starting school with enthusiasm whether I want to or not.
It means continuing in prayer when I don't see the end.
It means letting him be my strength when I have none.
It means complete and total dependence on him. And that my friends is exactly where he wants us to be.
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