Depression Thoughts

Some things are easy to talk about.  God, family, friendship, homemaking, homeschooling - I can talk about my favorite things all day.  Depression, while certainly not one of my favorite things, is something I also know a lot about.  Rather than hide my struggle, I determined from the outset to share it with the world.  Why?  Because for one it's a whole lot easier to be honest than to hide it.  Hiding it is too dang exhausting. 

The real reason though is to try, in my own small way, to de-stigmatize the subject.  It is not something people are willing to talk about.  If someone was diagnosed with cancer they would immediately rally support from family and friends.  When someone is diagnosed with depression, it's like a dirty little secret best not shared with anyone.  The problem with keeping depression a secret is that your secret can kill you.  It is not a diagnosis that can or should be fought alone.  Sharing may not take away your depression, but allowing others to come alongside you can certainly make the road a bit more bearable. 

If you are suffering from depression, PLEASE reach out to someone.  You do not have to go it alone.  There is no shame in suffering from depression. The only shame is remaining silent. 

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

And so I wrote. Beginning in August of 2008 I shared my journey with depression. My prayer for you is that something in my pain and struggle will resonate with you and through that you will be encouraged to keep fighting the good fight. Depression is not the end, but merely a part of your journey.  Take the next step and just keep walking.

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