Sunday, July 6, 2014

The simple secret to a clean bathroom

Cleaning the bathroom doesn't have to be an all day affair. A few simple steps in the morning will leave your bathroom fresh and company ready.

1. Swish and swipe. The Flylady coined this phrase years ago and it stuck with me. Take two minutes after you get ready to swish the toilet brush around the toilet and wipe off the counters with a clean rag. 

2. Put it away! Return items to their proper place. A counter littered with hairbrushes, make-up cases and toothpaste tubes is not at all appealing. It just take a minute to put it back where it belongs.

3. Clothes and towels - Hang 'em up, put 'em away or toss 'em in the hamper. 

4. Get it outta there. On your way out the door, return all items that belong in another room to their proper place (ie: newspaper to recycling, glasses to the kitchen, etc.).

Once a week do a more thorough, deep cleaning and in between these simple steps will keep your bathroom clean and tidy.

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