Saturday, May 19, 2012

Gluten free - it's a game changer

You just never know what life will throw at you next. 

We discovered this week that son #2 has some food sensitivities, mostly to gluten/wheat and also to dairy.  The dairy should calm down once we give his system time to heal and then we can reintroduce it a bit at a time.  The gluten/wheat however is a game changer.

I've vacillated the past 24 hours between "OK, we can do this!" and crying puddles of tears.  Tears because I'm feeling overwhelmed, but mostly tears for what it means for his life.  Yes, we'll get it figured out, but right now it seems there is just a whole lot of stuff he can't eat.  The can'ts are outweighing the cans.  Right now food is NOT fun! 

During one of my "We can do this!" moments yesterday there was also thankfulness. 

Thankful it's not something worse. 
Thankful we're not facing a life threatening illness. 
Thankful for family and friends who have been so supportive. 
Thankful that no matter what we face, our God is already there. 

He has a perfect plan for this young man and I trust Him to use these twists and turns to shape his character; to make him more like Jesus, the author and perfecter of his faith.  We can only be strengthened when we're tested.  Isn't that what we want for our kids?  To have their character strengthened so they can stand strong when it counts?

So here we are...we're facing a trial and we have a choice - joy or sorrow.  Our flesh certainly tends toward sorrow (hence the puddles of tears), but by the power of the Holy Spirit we can choose joy

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

LORD, produce in him perseverance, using this game changer to bring him toward maturity in You.  Strengthen him as you prepare him for the perfect work you prepared in advance for him to do.  

This may be a game changer, but thankfully Coach still has a plan.


  1. Glad you could find this out even though it will mean some big changes. There are bloggers out there who can help, though. The Gluten free Homemaker, Baking Beauties, & Jules Speaks Gluten Free are a few that might be helpful. They have tips (like replace cooking utensils) and recipes that may he helpful as you start this journey.

  2. Oh Angela! We are going through this over here too! It has been a journey and we are only at the beginning. I hope you will continue to share any good finds, recipes, ideas with us. I also struggle with how to feed everyone different foods and keep the flow of's a lot. I am so glad you shared. Lisa~

  3. I feel your pain... I think (not sure) that Caleb has food allergies. Whatever it is food seriously affects him. It is hard that things that don't bother anyone else in this house can ruin the whole day with him. It is hard to have to think about everything that goes into him mouth. Sorry for both of us (you and me) and for them. But, I think God is using this in our family to get us to eat all more healthy stuff which is a good thing (right?!).

  4. And since the Coach is in charge of the game change, we can trust HIS plan is a good one. Amen? :-)

  5. I found out that I have a low gluten sensitivity/allergy, so I'm right here with you. It does seem that there's an amazing amount of info. I started a board on pinterest compiling all the online sites people have been recommending. Now to just start implementing and stop eating gluten.


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