Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gluten free - here we go!

So I finally sat down today and began to tackle the whole gluten free thing.  Connor is out of town for the week so I've had some time to try and wrap my brain around it all. 

Small brain + ginormous changes = slightly in denial

I think one of the things I've been struggling with the most is that after years of enjoying cooking, suddently food is not fun anymore.  I love cooking for my family and friends.  It's relaxing and nothing says closeness like sitting down around the table together.  Problem was I had visions of us sitting down over a plate of raw veggies...not very appetizing OR fun.

So I started out my research today with a list of websites various friends had recommended, but as of two hours later I haven't made it past the first one.  Turns out a new friend has her own gluten free website.  My fear began to melt away as I read her blog.  I can do this!  I can feed my family healthy, gluten free meals without breaking the bank and still enjoy cooking!  My printer is busy dishing out pages and pages of what just might be some new family favorites.

I'm still on the verge of tears, but now it's out of gratitude for answered prayers rather than from feeling totally overwhelmed. 

Thank you LORD for the strength and wisdom to make the changes our family needs.


  1. Just make copies of everything you have found out...lots of can even put it in a nice binder if you feel so lead...:)...julie

  2. Oh, Angela, that made my heart so happy!!! :)

    That's my biggest desire for the blog! GF doesn't have to be a huge deal. It's a learning curve, but it's very doable without huge amounts of time or money.

    I'm still up for a cooking day! We could make a party out of it. :) I'd like to show you my GF "binder" too, which has lots of extra treasures.


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