Sunday, April 13, 2008

A perfectly good donut - ruined

Saturday morning we made homemade donuts for breakfast. It's a family favorite. As I was enjoying my little treat, my eight year old looked at me with an evil little grin and said, "I'm going to tell Mrs. Barnes that you ate donuts and she's going to make you work harder in your class on Monday!" Oh. My. Goodness. Who's child is this?

Sure enough, this morning at church he made a beeline for Lindsay and proudly told her just how many donuts I had consumed. "Body Blaster" has now become "Donut Blaster". Where is the duct tape when you need it?

Poor kid. He has no idea what awaits him in school tomorrow. Mwwahahaha! He'll be sorry...oh yes he will.


  1. so funny!

  2. That was hilarious! :)

    I really enjoyed visiting your lovely blog. I'm trying to make the rounds of all the Christian Women Bloggers blogroll, and I'm finding so many amazing blogs!

    Hope you'll visit me when you get a moment. :)

  3. Yummmy...homemade donuts! Think of it this's because of the Body Blaster that you get to consume the donuts without worry! Right?

  4. I can so relate!!!
    Last week we took the kids to an indoor play place and had "dinner" there. It truly was terrible - nutrition-wise. Pizza and bread sticks, and "elephant ear" sundae for dessert. Can you say CARBS??!!
    So, while we were eating, Brian called Jessica (my trainer) for an unrelated reason and before he hung up he said, "By the way, ask Karen about her eating tomorrow!"
    So Friday morning Jessica said we were going to be doing lots of cardio - because of Thursday night.
    Thanks, a lot, Brian!!! LOL


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